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Plant List


2 x G5 Dual 2.00 GHz Apple Mac 2GB Ram with Formac 19"LCD
1 x Epson Perfection V350 Photo Scanner
1 x Epson Perfection 1200U Scanner
1 x Epson Stylus PRO 7800 With GMG Colour Proofer
1 x Xerox Docucolor 3535 with Fiery RIP

1 x Creo Lotem 400V Platesetter (B2) with Brisque PDF Workflow
1 x Glunz & Jenson Inter-plater 885HD Processor
2 x Heidelberg Protocol and Universal plate punching system
2 x Heidelberg plate benders

Litho Printing
1 x Komori Lithrone 40 (EM) 5 unit B1
1 x 5-Col Heidelberg Speedmaster 74 (B2)

Digital Printing
1 x Seiko Colour Printer 64”
1 x Xerox Docucolor 3535 with Fiery RIP Laser
1 x HP Designjet 5500 42” Inkjet
1 x HP Indigo SRA3 Digital

1 x Wohlenberg MC5 guillotines
1 x Muller Martini 321 4 Station with cover feeder
1 x MBO K65 4KTCfolding machine
1 x foldmaster Folding machine
1 x Heidelberg Platen 10"x15" cutting & creasing machine
1 x Heidelberg Cylinder B2 cutting & creasing machine
1 x So Ag Single headed Prostar Drill
1 x Seal Laminating Machine
1 x Mimaki CG-160 FX Cutter

QuarkXpress 8
Photoshop CS4
Adobe Illustrator CS4 Freehand
Omnipage Professional - OCR Software
MacLink - Translation Package
Adobe Acrobat suite
Adobe Typefaces - Complete Range
Bitstream Typefaces - Complete Range
In each case, the latest version of software is running

QuarkXpress 8 • Pagemaker • Photoshop CS4 • Microsoft Suite • CorelDraw X4




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